Programs Radio Shows

Our professional Hosts have interviewed in-person and on Zoom 10,000+ CEOs running substantial businesses regarding their childhoods 8-14 years old directly connected to their success today, aired on 161 terrestrial and internet radio stations ranked the #1 “Business With Heart” Radio Show in the United States and internationally – Simply google “Executive Leaders Radio” to learn our positive reputation amongst thousands of substantial CEOs. So we know more CEOs, and more deeply, than most organizations in this country.

In 2022 our positive regional and national on-air recognition began attracting quality Charter Schools and Community Organizations and their underserved students to cohost our shows on Zoom in both Philadelphia and Washington D.C. We expected to provide career exposure.

I encouraged our co-hosting underserved high schoolers to carry the bulk of the interview and “ask the questions they want to ask, cause these are the same questions the public wants to ask.” However, our student co-hosts don’t seem to be asking questions regarding careers – instead, they’re asking questions about the CEOs 8-14 to which the students clearly relate, and identifying common personality traits which emerged from our CEOs role playing with other kids in the neighborhood, in different sports teams, in clubs at school, role with cousins, brothers and sisters, etc. Occasionally commonalities from adversity including parent’s divorce, feeling unworthy, being bullied, not feeling good enough.

From identifying these core personality traits (organizing oneself, organizing others, convincing others, attention to detail, etc.) after each show our CEOs and our Host spend time asking the students a couple questions. “Was this a waste of your time?” “What did you get out of this?” Not “what did you learn” because lecturing or give advice ruins our special dynamic. “Which personality traits do you have in common with each of our successful CEOs?”

On Zoom you’re welcome to come observe when our students sit up in their chairs at the moment each recognizes the common personality traits shared with our CEOs – there’s no escaping their newfound and deserved confidence. The majority of these students want ongoing relationships with our CEOs and their teams.

Career Coaching

To keep our students engaged and developing greater confidence in their natural abilities, we created “Career Conversations.”

Conducted conveniently on Zoom and continuing our format of students asking their questions guided by our Hosts.

These sessions are not recorded for on-the-air, therefore, do not have the time constraints.

Fitting into the standard 55-minute classroom session, students interview non-C-Suite professionals about the personality traits that led them to their chosen career and what their post-high school professional journey entailed.

Each employee interviewed sincerely appreciates the recognition, and the social consciousness demonstrated by their CEO and company through their support of our programs.

Corporate recruiting and retention are aided by positive social media and employee word-of-mouth about their experiences in our programs.

Here are two worlds that rarely meet. Ask us about observing a Zoom session and hear how bridges are built.

Herb Cohen
LeadHost, Interim Executive Director
RealWorldLeaders (non-profit)

Field Trips

We provide an in-person immersive field trip experience designed to foster the beginning of a relationship between students and companies that may have future career opportunities for them.

Prior to the field trip students take a brief assessment which recommends careers based on their personalized report. They follow up with a special Zoom session before the trip to introduce company employees to the students and explain the assessment results and offer additional career insights. Students gain a further understanding on how to apply their strengths to a variety of careers.

Field Trip Joe Hand Promotions & Tacony Academy CHS